Friday, December 9, 2011


I am sitting at work, when I started to reflect on my life up to this point. There is an old saying that says that hindsight is 20/20. Now this saying is very true. I look back at all the dumb decisions I have made and thought man those mistake were dumb. However, a thought came to me, that I wouldn't be as smart as I am now if I hadn't made dumb choices. Those choices helped me become smarter. Now some people may say Duh it has taken you this long to figure that out? Yes, yes it has. But the way I see it. As long as I figure it out, it doesn't matter how long it takes me. I am happy to say that I have made some very good choices in my life. Number 1 is marrying my wife, number 2 is becoming an author. I am very content with my life right now, which is a good feeling. Thanks for putting up with my way of thinking. Till next time.

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